Legal notice
Duisburg Kontor GmbH
Managing directors:
Uwe Kluge
Christoph Späh
Chairwoman of the supervisory board:
Susanne Zander
Commercial register number: HRB 4325
Place of jurisdiction: Duisburg
VAT ID: DE-11955475
Responsible for content under the terms of § 6 German Interstate Media Services Agreement (MDstV):
Uwe Kluge
Online dispute resolution
Information on online dispute resolution under the terms of Art. 14(1) of the ODR Regulation: the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you will find at
Volker Beushausen, Thomas Berns, BeTa-Artworks, Mikkel Bigandt, Hans Blossey, Klaus-Dieter Brüggenwerth, contrastwerkstatt, Siegfried Dammrath, Irmgard Daum, drubig-photo, DHG Weisse Flotte Duisburg, corbis_fancy, Jürgen Fälchle, Reinhard Felden, fotolia (Alexander Shadrin), Erhan Göktan, Frank Hohmann, iofoto, Brian Jackson, jackfrog, Joachim Jockschat, Denis Junker, Bernd Kasten, kichigin19, Kzenon, Friedhelm Krischer, Torsten Krüger, MNStudio, Niederrhein-Therme, MEV-Verlag Germany, Heinz Pischke, RuhrtalRadweg, Ruhr Tourismus/Jochen Schlutius, Michael Siegmund, Dirk Soboll, Stadt Duisburg, Benjamin Struelens, Theater Duisburg, M. van Treeck, Mick Vincenz, Natallia Vintsik, WestSpiel, Westend61, Georg Wik, Stefan Ziese, Uwe Köppen,
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